Bin & Log Stores

Slimline Stores available with 10% off normal prices Approx sizes D 550mm  not 830mm

Extra Large Recycling Store £340  Approx sizes W 2400mm - D 830mm - H 1600mm

Extra Large Log Store £300  Approx sizes W 2400mm - D 830mm - H 1600mm

WIDE RECYCLING STORE £ 280  Freestanding Bin Store with space for dustbin and three shelves for recycling bags / boxes  Approx sizes W 1800mm - D 830mm - H 1500mm

RECYCLING TOWER £210  Freestanding Bin Store with three shelves for recycling bags / boxes ( boxes not included)

Approx sizes W 830mm - D 830mm - H 1600mm

STANDARD BIN / RECYCLING STORE ..... £270    Freestanding Bin Store with space for dustbin and three shelves for recycling bags / boxes (bin & boxes not included) Approx sizes W 1430mm - D 830mm - H 1600mm

STANDARD LOG STORE .....£240  Will hold approx 1 cubic metre of logs Approx sizes W 1430mm - D 830mm - H 1600mm

LARGE BIN / RECYCLING STORE  ....... £300  Freestanding Bin store with space for two dustbins and three shelves for recycling bags / boxes  (Bins & Boxes not included) Approx sizes W 2030mm - D 830mm - H 1600mm

SMALL LOG STORE £190 Approx sizes W 830mm - D 830mm - H 1600mm   WIDE RECYCLING STORE £280 Approx sizes W 1800mm - D 830mm - H 1500mm  STANDARD LOG STORE £240 Approx sizes W 1430mm - D 830mm - H 1600mm

LARGE LOG STORE ...... £275 Will hold approx 2 cubic metres of logs Approx sizes W 2030mm - D 830mm - H 1600mm

Smaller, Taller, shorter etc options available to fit wherever you need it to go ...please ask

About us

Our address

Llawnroc Furniture 

Unit 3, Roundhouse Ind Est

Harbour Road


PL24 2BB


Tel: 01726 816600

Mob: 07860 502316


You can also contact us using our contact form.

Daily 9am - 6pm

Please ring before to confirm we are here


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